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Super Easy Mounts to Get in Wow

The coolest World of Warcraft mounts that accept absolutely no try to get

WoW Mounts
(Image credit: Blizzard)

You lot want to expect like a badass in World of Warcraft, simply you don't have the time or energy to sit and farm Invincible, Arthas' warhorse, for 500 hours. Or maybe you haven't spent years hoarding a few meg gold to drop on the Black Market place Sale Business firm for a sweet ride similar everyone's favorite long-necked dino. Or, hell, peradventure you're merely extremely lazy. No judgements. Whatever the reason is, you can get around in way in World of Warcraft without wasting endless hours of your life, and without breaking the banking concern. If you're the type of person who just wants a absurd mount without much try this is the guide for you.

Below you'll observe a list of very cool mounts that either take a 100 percentage drop rate, simply require you to mess around some of World of Warcraft's older zones, or mounts that price just a pocket-size amount of aureate. Hither are some of my favorite, and easiest to get, mounts in World of Warcraft.

(You can click on the mount'due south name to come across its Wowhead folio for more than info.)

(Paradigm credit: Blizzard)

Bronze Drake (opens in new tab)

What is meliorate than a good dragon to ride around on? Nothing, that'southward what. The Statuary Drake is truly a classic, and information technology has aged gracefully. It might not be as fancy as WoW'south modern dragon mounts—defective both the polygon count and cool visual effects, but in that location'south beauty in its simplicity. Also younger players will probably think you got this from some uber-challenging raid boss from manner back in the day or something. The best role is, this bad boy takes less than xv minutes to acquire, and it is a 100 percent drop gamble.

How to get information technology: To acquire the Bronze Drake all you have to practise is go to The Culling of Stratholme instance, a dungeon in the Caverns of Time, reenacting one of Warcraft three'southward most iconic scenes. But you're not here for that, you're here to get your inner Sonic the Hedgehog on and go fast. All you accept to do is complete the dungeon, following the markers on your minimap, earlier the timer expires. Given that this dungeon is nearly 15 years old, information technology's a cake walk. When you become to the stop of the dungeon you can walk straight by Mal'ganis and face off confronting Space Corruptor—who you will easily kill in only one shot. Loot your defeated foe to claim your prize, Reins of the Statuary Drake.

(Paradigm credit: Blizzard)

Shimmermist Runner (opens in new tab)

Expect at this horse. My horse is astonishing. Shimmermist Runner is a new addition in Shadowlands and may be one of the coolest mounts in the game. And it takes less than v minutes to go her. This is probably my favorite mount from Shadowlands, and the one I utilize virtually oftentimes.

How to get: Head down to Ardenweald—more specifically the surface area called Root-Home—and get fix to traverse the maze of Tirna Scithe. You'll need to take a very specific route through Tirna Scithe, but our guide has all the necessary steps (and too shows you how to get some other very easy Shadowlands-specific mounts). Once you get to the end of the maze at that place's one rare mob that stands in the way of y'all and your equus caballus. Take information technology down and merits your prize.

(Prototype credit: Blizzard)

Grand Expedition Yak (opens in new tab)

In the time it took you to read this opening sentence, you could take already purchased this yak. That'south how piece of cake it is. The only downside is that the Grand Expedition Yak does cost a small 120,000 gold—which will take a lilliputian bit of time if you're brand new. Most of you should accept the coin, though. Information technology's worth it because this is ane of the most useful mounts in the game. It has both a transmog vendor and a regular vendor strapped to either side of the saddle. Now you tin empty your bags or alter your appearance in a pinch.

How to go: To get your hands on this mighty mount you lot'll take to head to Kun-Lai Summit in Mists of Pandaria, and brand your way to the village of One Keg on your map. From there it'southward a simple jaunt to the east where you lot'll detect Uncle Bigpocket (opens in new tab), who will gladly sell yous this near prized yak.

(Image credit: Blizzard)

Arboreal Gulper (opens in new tab)

The Arboreal Gulper is the electric current meme mount of Shadowlands. If you lot own information technology and spend plenty time hanging around popular cities like Oribos, you're bound to find an opportunity to join congo lines or form a massive circle of players all sitting astride their own Arboreal Gulper. It'southward besides just one of the coolest, and easiest to obtain mounts in World of Warcraft. The Gulper is a 100 pct drop take chances from a rare mob found in Ardenweald.

How to go: To start you demand to loot an Unusually Big Mushroom, from any mob in all of Ardenweald. Any mob can drib the mushroom, and more likely than non y'all've already had one, or a dozen, and not even noticed. After you lot've acquired your mushroom, you lot can head off to spawn Humon'gozz, a rare boss with a fair amount of HP (I'd recommend bringing a friend or two to assistance you downward him, as you'll all get the mount). If you're having any trouble getting Humon'gozz to spawn, or downing him, check out our guide. Later on you have your Gulper the world is your… fly? Osyster? I'one thousand non sure, but enjoy your time in Gulper trains around Oribos, Gulper choruses exterior of Castle Nathria, or perhaps merely savour life on the hop.

(Image credit: Blizzard)

Carmine Flying Cloud (opens in new tab)

If you lot've always seen any of the Dragon Ball animes, you are well acquainted with Goku'south crawly flying cloud. Now how cool would it be to take one of your own? Well if you're exalted with the Lorewalkers, which, considering they were a Mists of Pandaria rep is decently probable, or if you're willing to grind out the now trivial reputation, all you accept to exercise is fly around and pick up a few scrolls and turn them into Lorewalker Cho. If y'all prefer a video guide, check this out from Nobbel. Once that errand is done, it'southward time to enjoy your cloud. And it will merely take an hr or two.

How to go: The Red Flight Cloud is a simple 600 aureate purchase away, all you have to practice is head to the Vale of Eternal Blossoms and speak to Tan Shin Tiao after reaching exalted status with the Lorewalkers. Not simply is the Red Flying Cloud a cool crossover, information technology is i of the more timeless mounts in World of Warcraft.

(Image credit: Blizzard)

Smoldering Ember Wyrm (opens in new tab)

The Smoldering Ember Wyrm (or Nightbane) is one of World of Warcraft'southward most poorly kept secrets, but now that we have moved past the Legion expansion it'due south like shooting fish in a barrel to become on your own, and is one of the coolest dragon mounts in the game. Who doesn't desire to ride around on a flaming skeleton dragon?

How to become: To get your hands on Nightbane yous'll have to become into Karazhan—the Legion dungeon, not the original vanilla 1. If you're dislocated, here's a guide. One time within the dungeon, you're going to see a message in chat that reads "The strange arctic of a night presence winds through the air." This is the beginning of a cloak-and-dagger timer that requires y'all to  find v crystals in five minutes, though each crystal resets the timer dorsum to five minutes. The guide on the exact locations of each tin can be found on Wowhead. Don't worry, though. If you lot're level sixty it shouldn't take more than than a single try as the timer was initially designed for max-level players back in Legion. You'll be style stronger than that and tin can probably 1-shot nearly monsters. Once you've finished running all over the belfry you volition face off against Nightbane himself. He was a tough dominate at the time, but not anymore. Smoldering Ember Wyrm has a 20 pct chance to drop, and then information technology'southward non a guarantee. But running this a few times will probably only take you an hour or so.

(Epitome credit: Blizzard)

Sandstone Drake (opens in new tab)

The final mount on our guide is extremely unique: Y'all don't ride it, you transform into information technology. Information technology even has an extra seat and then a friend tin ride y'all. Sandstone Drake is an extremely useful mountain, as ane of the few two-seater flight mounts in Earth of Warcraft. This drake is traditionally a recipe learned through Abracadabra— but we have a shortcut. Because otherwise what's the betoken of this lazy farming guide?

How to get: Every bit I said in a higher place, there'south ii ways to get Sandstone Drake, y'all can loot the Recipe: Vial of Sands from Archaeology, and and then spend a whole bunch of fourth dimension farming a agglomeration of items—irksome. Your other selection is going to your favorite auction business firm and purchasing "Vial of the Sands" for about 60,000 gold and skipping all that. Who said money can't buy happiness?

If these none of these mounts pique your interest, here's some other crawly mounts that simply might:

  • Amani Boxing Bear
  • Mecha-Mogul Mk2 (opens in new tab)
  • Zandalari Direhorn (opens in new tab)
  • Jeweled Onyx Panther (opens in new tab)
  • Blue Dragon Turtle


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